Creative coding project by Tristan Bagot adds generative style motifs to fashion photography - each display is different from the next. Video embedded below:
Art direction has a crucial role to play in the use of the various screens at our disposal.
Nowadays, a master visual is designed indifferently for all sorts of platforms, be they digital or physical.
JavaScreen is a new display system using an algorithm to graphically reinterpret content thousands of times without losing its intrinsic character.
As part of my project, it creates a generative design applied to a series of fashion photos and enhances the visual aesthetics of the image : colors, shapes, thickness, verticality, opacity…
These graphics are then animated with the image becoming more eye-catching and each time the image is loaded, it creates a unique composition depending on the photograph.You can see the project working in your browser (along with other background information) at the project website here
Tristan also has a Tumblr blog [isentropie] featuring the original photographs, which can be found here
[h/t - gergokovacs]