Up (2009)
Director: Pete Docter
Director(s) of Photography: Jean-Claudie Kalache & Patrick Lin
Art Director: Ricky Nierva
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
** Hello! I have not done something like this on a post, but this post specifically deserves an explanation. When this film came out in the summer of 2009, my grandfather and I rushed to go see it. When the film had concluded, I was completely taken by what I had just seen. It really was, and still is to this day one of the most emotionally satisfying FILMS (not just animated) I had ever seen. It really is one of the most perfect films in my personal opinion. Special mention must go to the tear-jerking montage of Carl and Ellie’s life together in the films opening. Without a single word of dialogue, I felt every bit of love, heartbreak, and sadness that they had felt. It is a scene that will stand the test of time. But for me, it is a lot more then this. You see, this montage scene was the first time I had scene my grandfather cry, which in turn made me even more emotional towards the whole thing in general. My grandfather just recently passed away. Every time I see this film, I think of him. Up is more then just a beautiful, emotional, and ultimately near perfect piece of art, it is also an important tie to my grandfather. Thank you all for taking the time to read this, as well as your support of this blog. My grandfather had no fears or worries, lived his life to the fullest, and always spoke his mind. Thank you for the adventures Pap. Thank you.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this, as well as your support of this blog. It is greatly appreciated. **